Managing Stress And having a great start your New Year

The holidays can be a stressful time, but there are ways to manage that stress. Here are some tips to help you get through the season with (most of) your sanity intact:

Try to make the season more of a journey than a destination.

During the holiday season, it's easy to get caught up in the destination. You want to make your home look perfect for guests, and you want the gifts under your tree to be the most thoughtful and well-received ones anyone has ever received. But it's important to remember that those things don't matter as much as you think they do. The holidays are about enjoying time with people you love—and if that means making a few mistakes along the way or accepting that not everyone is going to have an ideal experience, then so be it! Don't let stress over these things keep you from enjoying yourself during this wonderful time of year.

In addition, try not to make comparisons between yourself and others around you who may seem like they're doing better than you are at holiday planning (or anything else). Remembering that every person has different needs is essential for staying calm throughout this stressful time of year!

In addition to making time for self-care, it's also important that you take care of the people around you. Even if they're not directly affected by the holiday season, your loved ones can still be affected by your stress. If you have children, this is an especially good time to spend with them and show them how much fun family time can be. You might even teach them something new—like how to play a game of checkers or chess! You'll also want to make sure that they aren't becoming overwhelmed by the excitement around them. After all, kids are just like adults in that they need some down time from all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. So let them relax; maybe even take a nap!

Be realistic about your schedule.

With the holidays around the corner, you may be running around trying to get everything done. But it's important to stay realistic about what you can actually accomplish. Even if you have a full schedule, try not to take on too much in one day or week. Instead, make sure that each day is manageable and enjoyable for everyone involved—including yourself!

If you're planning any events or parties, be sure that they are organized well in advance so that there are no last-minute surprises (like forgotting an ingredient or having to make dozens of cupcakes). You should also look into hiring help if possible—this way everyone has plenty of time for rest between activities.

Ask for help. At Oregon Pediatrics are here for you if the stress gets to be too much for your little ones too!

But don’t forget that we are here to help you manage your stress and health during the holidays! If you need more information, contact us at 503-659-1694.

This is also a good time to look at ways you can slow down and simplify your routines throughout the year

The holidays are a time to enjoy and celebrate with loved ones, but they can also be stressful. If the stress is getting to you, here are some ways to cope:

  • Spend time with family. Make sure that everyone in your family feels included in whatever traditions you have as a group or even just alone with each other if there are only two of them (or three). It doesn't necessarily mean buying lots of expensive presents or hosting an elaborate dinner party; it just means making sure everyone gets enough attention from others around them so they don't feel left out for being alone during the holidays!

  • Read a book on holiday traditions around world cultures today--or go online today where many websites offer information about their own culture's celebrations! There's always something interesting out there waiting for discovery through reading material like this which could lead into further education opportunities too!

In the end, holidays are meant to be fun and enjoyable. If you find that they’re stressing you out, or feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day to enjoy them, then it might be time for some changes. But don’t let that overwhelm you either! The more important thing is finding ways to make this season feel special for everyone involved—including yourself!


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