Sending your child to school safely


For parents and students, being healthy is the first start to a normal school year. That’s why, we’re sharing some helpful tips and reminders to keep your children safe at school. 

Know what schools are doing

In Clackamas, schools are taking temperatures and completing health assessments every day to stay safe and avoid a COVID-19 outbreak.


Remember the 3Ws:

This simple rule can protect your little ones:

  • Wear your masks

  • Wash your hands

  • Watch your distance

Masks are required in all public spaces (for anyone 5 years old and older) due to the increase in hospitalizations in Oregon. While wearing a mask, remember the mask must cover your nose and mouth. Masks protect students, teachers, families and our overall community from harmful diseases.

Frequently washing your hands protects you from COVID-19 and other diseases, such as influenza. Everyone must wash their hands for at least 20 seconds to wash away germs. If washing your hands is not available the CDC recommends sanitizing. It is recommended to use a sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Also, remember to stay at least six feet away from anyone at all times. Six feet is about two arm lengths from you and another person. Social distancing protects you from 82% of the germs that could cause COVID-19. While social distancing and mask mandates are new, immunizations and other measures to protect ourselves aren’t.

Maintaining Regular Visits and Immunizations Matter

Wellness care visits are the perfect time to track your child’s growth, get them updated on their immunizations, and have critical questions about their health answered. For more than 35 years, we’ve partnered with parents to protect their family’s health during wellness care visits and beyond.

Similar to COVID-19, the flu is easily spread through children. It is critical to protect your family this flu season. Remind your little one to cover your their mouth while coughing and sneezing. To best protect your child, we recommend ensuring they receive their flu vaccination and COVID-19 vaccine if they are eligible.


We are currently offering both Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations for children and families on Saturday, October 23rd and Sunday, October 24th.

For more information on immunizations and pediatric services, please contact us at (503)659-1694.


COVID-19 vaccines & children?


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