Ways to be active with your family on Family Health and Fitness Day and every day

I don’t know about you, but my family is crazy busy. Between school, work, and extracurricular activities, it can be hard to find time to spend together. Schedules can be so hectic that we often forget to just enjoy spending time with one another. Luckily for us, there is a day dedicated for families to take time out of their schedules and spend the day being active together! Family Health and Fitness Day was created in the summer of 1995 by the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Since then several states have adopted this day as an official state holiday. It’s held every year on the last Saturday in September. So if you haven't had a chance to get moving with your family yet this

month make plans now! Here are some ideas to get you started:

Learn a new sport

One of the best ways to be active with your family is to learn a new sport. Challenge yourself and try something you've never tried before, or teach your kids something different than what they're used to playing.


If you want to learn a new sport but don't know where to start, there are many options available online for finding information about sports and how they are played. If you can't find what you're looking for on your own, visit a local library and ask the librarian if they have any books or magazines that provide useful information about sports that might interest you. You can also call or email someone who works at an area school district's physical education department (such as an athletic director) and ask them which sports would be right for you based on your skill level and interest in athletics."

Play a game of charades

  • Choose a game that everyone can play.

  • Choose a game that is fun for everyone.

  • Choose a game that everyone knows how to play.

  • Choose a game that doesn't require special equipment or reading skills, such as charades, which uses just body language and verbal cues to communicate ideas instead of words.

Go for a walk

  • Take a walk. The easy answer is to simply get out of the house and go for a walk with your family. It doesn't have to be fancy, or even long—even just 20 minutes can make a difference!

  • Walk to school or work. If you're driving your kids around all day, consider walking them to their classes instead of driving them there in the morning and then picking them up at the end of the day. This way they can get some exercise while also reducing traffic congestion during peak hours and contributing positively towards less air pollution that might affect our environment in various ways (such as plants dying due to ozone levels being higher than normal). You could also use this time for conversation between parent(s) and child(ren).

Play Frisbee in the park.

  • Find a park with long grass and open space that isn't too crowded, so you can throw the Frisbee around with your kids without hitting anyone else.

  • Throw the Frisbee! Remember to keep your arm straight, like you're throwing a football, and follow through with it so that the Frisbee doesn't drop or wobble when you release it from your hand. If it's windy outside, try to toss the disc on days when there isn't much wind blowing—it'll be easier for everyone involved if things don't move around too much!

  • Catch the disc! This is where things get tricky—you have to pay attention to where it's going in order for this step not to be stressful (if someone misses catching one). The best way is probably just waiting until after someone catches theirs before throwing yours again; however many people are playing will determine how effective this strategy works out for them individually! Don't worry about dropping one either—it happens very rarely and usually isn’t even worth mentioning unless someone gets frustrated over losing theirs especially badly...

Go for a bike ride

  • Before you head out on a bike ride, make sure you have the right equipment. You may want to invest in a helmet and sturdy pads like knee and elbow pads.

  • Make sure your kids wear their helmets too!

  • Bike safety is important for everyone getting on bikes, so educate yourself with resources like this one from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) or this video from Consumer Reports. They'll help you learn how to choose a safe route, what to wear while biking (even if it's hot outside), how to stay hydrated and more!

Walk your dog

If you have a dog, getting out for some walking time is a great way to bond with your pet. Not only will it help you get exercise, but if you're an introvert like me, it's also a way to meet other people and enjoy the fresh air. It's an easy way to spend some quality time with your family and get in shape at the same time!

Dance like nobody’s watching

Dancing is a great way to exercise, get the whole family involved and have fun. It’s also a great way to be creative, which helps you stay active.

Here are some tips for dancing with your kids:

  • Choose a song that everyone loves. There are lots of songs out there that are really easy to dance to and can help keep everyone moving along at the same pace (without having anyone feel like they have two left feet). You might want to start with “The Wheels on the Bus” or “Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes”—just make sure you include all members of your family in whatever moves you choose!

  • Make it fun by incorporating props into your dance routine! Your little ones will love pretending they’re driving a bus or playing doctor; older children may enjoy being excited about their favorite sports team or TV show character (or just themselves!). You can even make up silly dances like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_X6NxE6pI4

Have a water balloon fight

It's Family Health and Fitness Day, so why not do something active with the kids? If you have them, that is. Consider having a water balloon fight! Just make sure it's safe:

  • Use water balloons instead of glass or metal ones. Glass will break and metal can cut people. And for heaven's sake, don't use a fire hose!

  • Don't use water guns either; they're only fun if everyone has one (and even then). You don't want anyone to get hurt in the melee of a good time in the sun. And remember—don't fill your balloons with anything other than water!

Go on a hike at a local trail

Hiking is a great way to get some exercise and explore the outdoors. It can be a fun activity for you and your family, especially on days when it's too cold or rainy to go outside. You can try hiking at state parks or nature reserves near you, or even do some urban exploration by finding local trails in your town.

If you're new to hiking, there are trails that are more suitable for beginners than others—you may want to start with an easy one (like the trail up Mt. Tamalpais) before tackling something more difficult like Mount Diablo's East Peak Trail!

No matter how you or your family choose to celebrate, it's important to take some time from the busy schedules, and enjoy spending time together.

No matter how you or your family choose to celebrate, it's important to take some time from the busy schedules, and enjoy spending time together.

Children are encouraged to participate in fun physical activities with family members and friends as part of Family Health and Fitness Day. Here are some ideas:


So, what are you waiting for? Get up, get out and get active. Sometimes the hardest part is getting started!




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