Keeping your family happy and healthy


We all want our families to be healthy and happy. That's why it's so important to get outside, play with your kids, eat dinner together as often as you can, and let them know that they are loved every single day.


Play is not just for kids. Playing with your family can help you stay healthy and happy, even as you get older. Try out these fun games to play with your family:

  • Capture the Flag - Two teams of people line up at opposite ends of a large field or park area. One team has a flag that they try to hide somewhere on their side. The other team tries to find it while the first team protects their hiding spot. When someone finds the flag, they run back to their own home base and then bring back both flags at once before running back again! This continues until one team wins by having all flags or if all players are hit by an opposing player during play.

  • Red Rover - Each person stands on one side of a line drawn across an open space in front of them (such as between two trees). On “Red Rover” someone from each team crosses over toward each other without breaking their grasp on another player's hand until only one pair remains connected; this pair is now eliminated from play!!


You know how it feels when you're so tired that all you want to do is crawl into bed and collapse, or even just lie down on the couch? That's how your kids feel every day. They need plenty of sleep because their bodies are growing constantly, which means they need a lot more energy than adults. In fact, one of the most important things you can do for your children is ensuring that they get enough rest.

There isn't an exact amount of sleep each child needs (aside from "enough"), but there are some guidelines:

  • Babies: 0-3 months old should have 14-17 hours total; 3-6 months old should have 12-15 hours total; 6 months - 12 years old should have 10-11 hours total

Eat together

  • Eat together as a family. It's important to sit down and share meals with your family. Sharing the experience of eating provides opportunities to talk about food, how it is made, where it comes from and what kind of foods are healthy for you. You'll also be able to start conversations about going green by buying local produce or preparing homemade meals instead of eating out or ordering takeout every night!

  • Cooking together is a great way to bond with your kids while teaching them valuable life skills like cooking and financial literacy. If one person does all the cooking in your family, get everyone involved by taking turns assigning jobs for each meal (like setting the table) or having everyone cook one dish each time.* Eating healthy foods is important for keeping our bodies strong enough so we can do everything else that needs doing around our house—but most people don't realize that vegetables and fruits are actually some of nature’s greatest sources of energy!

Give hugs every day

Hugs are great for health and happiness. They’re the most natural way to show love, affection and trust. A hug can help you feel connected to your little one. Studies show that hugs can relieve stress, increase self-esteem, improve cardiovascular health and boost immunity against illness.

Laugh together

Laughing is one of the best ways to bring your family closer together. Laughter can help reduce stress, anxiety, and even physical pain. It’s also contagious! You can find yourself laughing at simple things like jokes or funny videos or stories from your day.

Simply being in the presence of family and friends will often result in laughter because laughter is an emotion that we share with each other. If you don’t have any friends nearby to hang out with, try watching comedies with your family members instead of sad movies or dramas that may leave everyone feeling depressed afterwards.

Families that play together stay healthy and happy.

Playing together is fun, and it can help you stay healthy and happy. Staying healthy is important to the whole family, so make sure you’re getting enough exercise. If you have kids, make sure they get plenty of exercise in their daily lives by playing outside or going on a walk with you.

You don’t even have to go far for some fun family activities either! There are lots of places nearby where families can enjoy some time together while staying active at the same time: parks and playgrounds are great options for activity because kids love them! You might consider taking them out in your community or exploring nature with them; there are many parks here that are perfect for outdoor games like tag, Frisbee, soccer or to splash around on one of our rainy days.

Always remember “Families that play, stay healthy and happy”


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